SEC Filing | Company/Stock | Trade Date | Transaction | Shares | Avg. Price | Total | % Holdings | Gain/Loss |
24-Jan-22 8:25 AM View: | Verb Technology Company, Inc. (VERB) | 20-Jan-22 | Grant | 64,709 | -- | -- | 22% 289.96K to 354.67K | |
06-Jan-21 6:38 PM View: | Verb Technology Company, Inc. (VERB) | 04-Jan-21 | Grant | 50,829 | -- | -- | 21% 239.13K to 289.96K | |
31-Jul-20 5:18 PM View: | Verb Technology Company, Inc. (VERB) | 29-Jul-20 | Grant | 75,472 | -- | -- | 1543% 4.89K to 80.36K | |
04-May-20 4:10 PM View: | Verb Technology Company, Inc. (VERB) | 10-Apr-20 | Grant | 4,891 | $1.20 | $5,859.42 | 100% 0 to 4.89K | |
31-Jul-20 7:56 PM View: | Verb Technology Company, Inc. (VERB) | 23-Dec-19 | Grant | 158,772 | -- | -- | 198% 80.36K to 239.13K | |
03-May-06 9:01 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 03-May-06 | Market Sale (Planned) | 8,500 | $71.95 | $611,575.00 | (76%) 11.13K to 2.63K | (4447%) |
03-May-06 9:01 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 02-May-06 | Market Sale (Planned) | 50,000 | $70.15 | $3,507,500.00 | (95%) 52.63K to 2.63K | (4564%) |
03-May-06 9:01 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 01-May-06 | Market Sale (Planned) | 50,000 | $70.78 | $3,539,000.00 | (95%) 52.63K to 2.63K | (4522%) |
28-Mar-06 6:13 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 24-Mar-06 | Payment of Exercise | 91,500 | $59.96 | $5,486,340.00 | (45%) 202.63K to 111.13K | (5357%) |
28-Mar-06 6:13 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 24-Mar-06 | Option Exercise | 200,000 | -- | -- | 7605% 2.63K to 202.63K | |
01-Mar-06 5:34 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 27-Feb-06 | Option Exercise | 33,155 | $8.41 | $278,711.00 | 1261% 2.63K to 35.78K | |
01-Mar-06 5:34 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 27-Feb-06 | Option Exercise | 16,845 | $8.41 | $141,604.00 | 640% 2.63K to 19.48K | |
01-Mar-06 5:34 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 27-Feb-06 | Market Option Sale | 33,155 | $71.08 | $2,356,660.00 | (93%) 35.78K to 2.63K | (4503%) |
01-Mar-06 5:34 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 27-Feb-06 | Market Option Sale | 16,845 | $71.25 | $1,200,180.00 | (86%) 19.48K to 2.63K | (4492%) |
07-Nov-05 9:14 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 03-Nov-05 | Option Exercise | 75,000 | $8.41 | $630,472.00 | 2852% 2.63K to 77.63K | |
07-Nov-05 9:14 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 03-Nov-05 | Private Option Sale | 75,000 | $306.70 | $23,002,700.00 | (97%) 77.63K to 2.63K | |
30-Aug-05 5:21 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 26-Aug-05 | Option Exercise | 125,000 | $8.41 | $1,050,790.00 | 4753% 2.63K to 127.63K | |
30-Aug-05 5:21 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 26-Aug-05 | Market Option Sale | 125,000 | $46.19 | $5,773,770.00 | (98%) 127.63K to 2.63K | (6983%) |
20-Jan-05 5:11 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Option Exercise | 150,000 | $16.81 | $2,521,880.00 | 11407% 1.31K to 151.31K | |
20-Jan-05 5:13 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Option Exercise | 75,384 | $47.44 | $3,576,030.00 | 5733% 1.31K to 76.7K | |
20-Jan-05 5:13 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Option Exercise | 87,179 | $47.44 | $4,135,550.00 | 6630% 1.31K to 88.49K | |
20-Jan-05 5:14 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Option Exercise | 60,640 | $47.44 | $2,876,610.00 | 4611% 1.31K to 61.95K | |
20-Jan-05 5:15 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Option Exercise | 26,797 | $47.44 | $1,271,180.00 | 2038% 1.31K to 28.11K | |
20-Jan-05 5:11 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Market Option Sale | 150,000 | $69.39 | $10,408,700.00 | (99%) 151.31K to 1.31K | (9331%) |
20-Jan-05 5:13 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Market Option Sale | 75,384 | $69.72 | $5,255,460.00 | (98%) 76.7K to 1.31K | (9287%) |
20-Jan-05 5:13 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Market Option Sale | 87,179 | $69.93 | $6,096,200.00 | (99%) 88.49K to 1.31K | (9259%) |
20-Jan-05 5:14 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Market Option Sale | 60,640 | $70.10 | $4,250,950.00 | (98%) 61.95K to 1.31K | (9235%) |
20-Jan-05 5:15 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Jan-05 | Market Option Sale | 26,797 | $70.30 | $1,883,930.00 | (95%) 28.11K to 1.31K | (9208%) |
20-Oct-04 6:42 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Oct-04 | Option Exercise | 350,000 | $17.13 | $5,996,880.00 | 26616% 1.31K to 351.31K | |
20-Oct-04 6:42 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 18-Oct-04 | Market Option Sale | 350,000 | $44.72 | $15,652,500.00 | (100%) 351.31K to 1.31K | (14533%) |
21-Apr-04 10:00 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 19-Apr-04 | Option Exercise | 200,000 | $14.70 | $2,939,060.00 | 15209% 1.31K to 201.31K | |
21-Apr-04 10:00 PM View: | Apple Inc. (AAPL) | 19-Apr-04 | Market Option Sale | 200,000 | $28.00 | $5,600,000.00 | (99%) 201.31K to 1.31K | (23272%) |