SEC Filing | Company/Stock | Trade Date | Transaction | Shares | Avg. Price | Total | % Holdings | Gain/Loss |
26-Feb-24 4:39 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 22-Feb-24 | Grant | 1,500 | -- | -- | 9% 17.35K to 18.85K | |
06-Mar-23 4:32 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 03-Mar-23 | Market Sale | 5,000 | $110.22 | $551,100.00 | (22%) 22.35K to 17.35K | 2% |
23-Feb-23 4:31 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 22-Feb-23 | Market Sale | 5,000 | $106.60 | $533,000.00 | (18%) 27.35K to 22.35K | (1%) |
17-Feb-23 5:14 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 16-Feb-23 | Grant | 2,100 | -- | -- | 8% 25.25K to 27.35K | |
18-Feb-22 4:03 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 16-Feb-22 | Grant | 2,500 | -- | -- | 11% 22.75K to 25.25K | |
07-May-21 4:46 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 06-May-21 | Market Sale | 6,500 | $110.41 | $717,665.00 | (22%) 29.25K to 22.75K | (1%) |
18-Feb-21 3:43 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 17-Feb-21 | Grant | 2,750 | -- | -- | 10% 26.5K to 29.25K | |
06-Aug-20 11:25 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 05-Aug-20 | Market Sale | 6,000 | $102.00 | $612,000.00 | (18%) 32.5K to 26.5K | 17% |
28-May-20 10:16 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 27-May-20 | Market Sale | 4,000 | $75.80 | $303,200.00 | (11%) 36.5K to 32.5K | (11%) |
27-May-20 12:26 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 26-May-20 | Market Sale | 5,000 | $71.17 | $355,850.00 | (12%) 41.5K to 36.5K | (19%) |
21-May-20 11:02 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 20-May-20 | Market Sale | 5,000 | $64.62 | $323,100.00 | (11%) 46.5K to 41.5K | (31%) |
13-Feb-20 4:56 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 11-Feb-20 | Grant | 3,000 | -- | -- | 7% 43.5K to 46.5K | |
17-Sep-19 12:53 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 13-Sep-19 | Market Sale | 15,000 | $68.26 | $1,023,940.00 | (26%) 58.5K to 43.5K | (24%) |
26-Aug-19 2:30 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 23-Aug-19 | Market Sale | 6,000 | $65.11 | $390,643.00 | (9%) 64.5K to 58.5K | (30%) |
05-Aug-19 12:04 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 02-Aug-19 | Market Sale | 6,000 | $63.97 | $383,809.00 | (9%) 70.5K to 64.5K | (32%) |
05-Aug-19 12:04 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 01-Aug-19 | Market Sale | 10,000 | $63.19 | $631,894.00 | (12%) 80.5K to 70.5K | (34%) |
31-Jul-19 6:19 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 29-Jul-19 | Market Sale | 4,000 | $63.18 | $252,720.00 | (5%) 84.5K to 80.5K | (34%) |
14-Feb-19 7:03 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 12-Feb-19 | Grant | 4,500 | -- | -- | 6% 80.0K to 84.5K | |
22-Feb-18 11:51 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 20-Feb-18 | Grant | 5,000 | -- | -- | 7% 75.0K to 80.0K | |
16-Feb-17 5:17 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 14-Feb-17 | Grant | 5,000 | -- | -- | 7% 70.0K to 75.0K | |
18-Feb-16 10:20 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 16-Feb-16 | Grant | 5,000 | -- | -- | 8% 65.0K to 70.0K | |
13-Feb-15 5:00 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 11-Feb-15 | Grant | 4,000 | -- | -- | 7% 61.0K to 65.0K | |
14-Feb-14 4:46 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 12-Feb-14 | Grant | 6,000 | -- | -- | 11% 55.0K to 61.0K | |
02-Aug-13 6:42 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 01-Aug-13 | Option Exercise | 11,500 | $25.32 | $291,130.00 | 21% 55.0K to 66.5K | |
02-Aug-13 6:42 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 01-Aug-13 | Market Option Sale | 11,500 | $46.00 | $529,000.00 | (17%) 66.5K to 55.0K | (84%) |
14-Feb-13 6:01 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 13-Feb-13 | Grant | 6,000 | -- | -- | 12% 49.0K to 55.0K | |
14-Dec-12 10:46 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 12-Dec-12 | Market Sale | 10,000 | $37.90 | $379,000.00 | (17%) 59.0K to 49.0K | (123%) |
28-Nov-12 10:36 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 26-Nov-12 | Market Sale | 6,000 | $35.86 | $215,160.00 | (9%) 65.0K to 59.0K | (136%) |
13-Feb-12 12:06 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 10-Feb-12 | Grant | 6,000 | -- | -- | 10% 59.0K to 65.0K | |
11-Feb-11 4:48 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 09-Feb-11 | Grant | 6,000 | -- | -- | 11% 53.0K to 59.0K | |
08-Mar-10 12:13 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 04-Mar-10 | Option Exercise | 5,000 | $16.00 | $80,000.00 | 10% 48.0K to 53.0K | |
22-Feb-10 6:11 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 18-Feb-10 | Grant | 6,000 | -- | -- | 14% 42.0K to 48.0K | |
01-Feb-10 7:06 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 29-Jan-10 | Market Sale | 5,000 | $22.11 | $110,575.00 | (11%) 47.0K to 42.0K | (292%) |
13-Feb-09 4:36 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 11-Feb-09 | Grant | 14,000 | -- | -- | (226%) (-6.2K) to 7.8K | |
10-Mar-08 11:04 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 06-Mar-08 | Market Purchase | 6,000 | $13.24 | $79,432.00 | 22% 27.0K to 33.0K | 864% |
06-Mar-08 11:14 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 05-Mar-08 | Option Exercise | 10,000 | $7.22 | $72,150.00 | 59% 17.0K to 27.0K | 100% |
16-Mar-07 10:26 AM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 15-Mar-07 | Market Purchase | 5,000 | $33.08 | $165,400.00 | 42% 12.0K to 17.0K | 286% |
31-Jan-07 5:19 PM View: | Meritage Homes Corporation (MTH) | 29-Jan-07 | Grant | 12,000 | -- | -- | 100% 0 to 12.0K |