Yucheng Technologies Limited (YTEC)

Number of records: 3
SEC FilingInsiderCompanyTrade DateTransactionSharesAvg. PriceTotal% HoldingsReturn
29-Jun-07 1:51 PM
Silver Jack
10% Owner
Yucheng Technologies Limited (YTEC) 13-Jun-07Exercise (in-the money or at-the-money) 1,213,500$5.00$6,067,500.00581%
209.0K to 1.42M
29-Jan-07 4:57 PM
Silver Jack
10% Owner
Yucheng Technologies Limited (YTEC) 23-Jan-07Sale 20,000$6.85$137,000.00(9%)
229.0K to 209.0K
29-Jan-07 4:57 PM
Silver Jack
10% Owner
Yucheng Technologies Limited (YTEC) 14-Dec-06Sale 30,000$7.20$216,000.00(12%)
259.0K to 229.0K