Bionomics Ltd/adr (BNOX)

Number of records: 3
SEC FilingInsiderCompanyTrade DateTransactionSharesAvg. PriceTotal% HoldingsReturn
07-Oct-24 6:22 PM
Apeiron Investment Group Ltd.
10% Owner
Bionomics Ltd/adr (BNOX) 04-Oct-24Sale 557$0.28$155.96(< 1%)
276.49M to 276.49M
07-Oct-24 6:22 PM
Apeiron Investment Group Ltd.
10% Owner
Bionomics Ltd/adr (BNOX) 03-Oct-24Sale 180,707$0.29$52,405.00(< 1%)
276.77M to 276.59M
07-Oct-24 6:22 PM
Apeiron Investment Group Ltd.
10% Owner
Bionomics Ltd/adr (BNOX) 02-Oct-24Sale 90,806$0.33$29,966.00(< 1%)
309.21M to 309.12M