A&q Long/short Strategies Fund LLC (N/A)

Number of records: 3
SEC FilingInsiderCompanyTrade DateTransactionSharesAvg. PriceTotal% HoldingsReturn
02-Jan-08 5:27 PM
Lindgren Douglas A
Principal Executive Officer(1)
A&q Long/short Strategies F... (N/A) 01-Jan-08Purchase 300,000$300,000.00$89,999,998,976.00100%
0 to 300.0K
01-Jun-06 11:40 AM
Lindgren Douglas A
Principal Executive Officer
A&q Long/short Strategies F... (N/A) 01-Jun-06Purchase 200,000$200,000.00$40,000,000,000.00100%
0 to 200.0K
02-Apr-04 10:00 PM
Ubs Fund Advisor LLC
A&q Long/short Strategies F... (N/A) 01-Apr-04Sale 1,100,070$1,100,070.00$1,210,159,988,736.00(100%)
1.1M to 0